Lirios Dueñas

Doctor of physiotherapy. She has been a physiotherapist since 1999 and earned her doctorate degree in 2014. She worked for four years at the Biomechanics Institute of Valencia, where she combined her clinical work with biomechanical research and analysis of athletes, material and equipment as well as subjective evaluation of comfort in consumer products. Since 2003 she has been a physiotherapist and coordinator at the Polytechnic University of Valencia Athlete Care Center , specializing in treating sports injuries in all events.

Since 2004, she has been a professor at the University of Valencia Faculty of Physiotherapy. She specialized in physiotherapy in the musculoskeletal processes of aging. She has participated in regional, national and European research projects, such as the Innovation Motion Analysis (IMA) Project of the 7th Framework Program. She has participated in many national and international conferences, such as (TECHNICALLY ASSISTED REHABILITATION (TAR) or the 20th International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports.

Throughout this time and since 1999, she has been linked to assistive physiotherapy, as physiotherapist and coordinator of the clinic at the Faculties of Functional Rehabilitation (2000-2008) and since 2008 at the Maritime Physiotherapy Clinic in Valencia, the latter being the result of her years of experience.