Tomás Zamora

Tomás Zamora Phd., (Doctor of Industrial Engineering from UPV, specializing in the development of ergonomic and biomedical products).

Zamora has broad experience in applied research projects and has been published more than five times in indexed scientific and specialized journals, as well as books and other publications. He has led three European projects of the 5th, 6th and 7th Framework Program and participated in more than four.

Nationally, he has directed unique and strategic projects such as the 4Senses project with over 15 partners and a budget of nine million euros, was technical director of projects with the CDTI, the National and Regional Plan, participating in many conferences such as the 5th World Congress on Sleep, the International Ergonomics Congress and the International Congress on Sustainability and Urban Development.

Lastly he has participated in many international technological platforms such as the Factories of the Future European Platform and in standardization committees such as the AEN/CTN 128 – MATTRESSES, BASES AND ACCESSORIES committee.